Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Almost Christmas!

We've been busy lately getting ready Christmas! After Thanksgiving was when we got our first snow of the winter that "stuck" as I like to put it. :) Caleb rode in his sled around the yard. Then Daddy decided to pull him in it with the tractor! He likes sledding and he likes tractors so it was a fun combination!

The first weekend of December was the Dickens Christmas Festival. They had a lighted parade at night that was pretty neat. But it was very cold!!!

I wish some of the pictures of the parade turned out better. I bet these fish were cold!!! :)

Caleb had fun though!

Caleb playing "Mr Fix-it"

Caleb and Daddy like to wrestle.

We went and got our tree a couple of weeks ago at a tree farm. Caleb had fun looking at the trees. He wanted to be a big boy and walk most of the time instead of being pulled in the sled.
Sometimes he fell in the crunchy snow though! (And no, that saw blade is nowhere near him!)

We finally found one that we liked. It's a scotch pine, a little over six feet tall. They also had reindeer at the tree farm. Caleb liked them and they seemed to like him too!

Other notes are: Last week I was in a car accident. I was on my way home from work and the roads were very slushy and slippery and before I was even off of campus a girl came fishtailing around the corner in her big ol' SUV and hit me. There was no avoiding her. I was not hurt at all. My neck hurt for a couple of days but it already feels better. She hit me on the driver side front corner. The damage that I noticed was the headlight was smashed, hood was bent, side panel wrecked, and radiator was leaking. My car is totaled. We're still trying to work with our insurance company to get our money. Even though it was getting small for the three of us (sometimes 4 when the dog was with us too), especially on longer trips, I will miss my Honda Civic! It was comfortable, easy to drive, and the gas mileage was unbeatable! RIP Hondy!

Then yesterday I took the GMAT and passed. I can now officially start MBA classes at CMU (part-time while I still work). It was a 3-hour test! 1/3 Writing Essays, 1/3 sentence correction and reading comprehension, and 1/3 Math (we're talking hard algebra, geometry, statistics...well at least seemed hard to me!). I'm just glad it's over. Studying after the whole car accident thing and with Christmas around the corner was not easy.