Monday, June 30, 2008

Some Caleb Stories

It's been a long time since my last post...I haven't even written about our awesome Caribbean cruise! Guess that will have to wait for another time. I wanted to share some Caleb stories in this post.

One day not too long ago I was working with Caleb on the whole age thing and I said something about him being 2 1/2. So now he'll tell you he's 2 1/2 and can tell you his whole name too, usually leaving the 'n' off his last name. But sometimes he messes up when you ask his name and he replies "I'm Caleb 2 1/2"!!!

So whoever said potty training is easy is crazy. It has been an uphill battle with Caleb. He's been pretty good about going #2 on the toilet even though I had to bribe with M & M's to do that -- hey you gotta do, what ya gotta do and the kid likes food! But this weekend we may have had a breakthrough. He FINALLY started telling us that he had to go pee! He kept his pull-ups (half-underwear/half diaper things) dry all weekend. So after his bath this past Saturday night I was putting his pull-up on and in a sing-song voice sang "Keep your pull-up dry" over and over. Apparently, he didn't like it because he looks at me with this serious face and goes, "That's weird, Mama." I cracked up! That's the first time I've heard him use the word 'weird'. Plus, I figured it wouldn't take him long to figure out how weird I really am! HA! However, he now sings the pull-up song himself. In fact, he sang it after church yesterday for a few people standing in the foyer and they all cracked up! Maybe the pull-up song will help with this whole potty training thing after all.

As many of you know, Caleb is a rough and tumbly boy. He has no fear and feels no pain. It scares me a little that he feels no pain since little spankings seem to have no effect. We've had to use other punishments for more effectiveness. :) Another example of him feeling no pain happened a couple of weeks ago. He burnt his leg on the hot lawnmower exhaust and did not even cry; in fact, he acted like nothing happened. It was an odd looking sore and I discovered it shortly after it happened and he acted like it didn't hurt at all. I put some aloe on it and it actually formed a scab instead of a blister. Of course, being the rough boy that he is the scab fell off at some point while playing. I think it may leave a scar - probably the first of many.

Though he is a wild and crazy boy, Caleb has a sweet side to him. He has a cute way of giving compliments. One day last week he came over and laid on me and he said "You're pretty, Mama." And I said "Thank you" and he said "You're welcome." He also compliments me when I have a skirt or dress on for work or church. He goes, "Pretty dress, Mama!" and the same for jewelry that he likes - "Pretty necklace!" (again leaving the 'n' off). He likes to cuddle when he's tired or when he just wakes up. Sometimes he'll just come over and lay on Brent or I and there are times he'll give us random hugs and say, "Love you."

"Caleb 2 1/2"

Got his game face on
